A85: Re: Assemble This! - Help on TASM origin!
A85: Re: Assemble This! - Help on TASM origin!
Try running TASM ! I have pasted the first two lines below
TASM Assembler. Version 3.0.1 June, 1994.
Copyright (C) 1985-1994 by Speech Technology Incorporated
With a bit of searching I found the following
Squak Valley Software was formed in 1997 to carry on the marketing and
support of the Telemark Assembler from Speech Technology Inc. STI has
handled TASM since its initial release in 1985, but TASM no longer fits well
in the STI products and services.
With this transition, the name of the product was changed to the Telemark
Assembler for reasons of market distinction.
The author of TASM, Tom Anderson, remains as involved as ever.
The homepage of Squak Valley Software can be found at
http://www.halcyon.com/squakvly/, where TASM 3.1 can be downloaded from
As you can see above I am using version 3.0.1, the new in 3.1 is the
11/30/97 Version 3.1 LINUX support.
Protect mode version (tasmp) with better memory
management (more labels allowed, etc.)
Added an 8096 table.
Added Logical NOT unary operator.
Added an object file format with word address
----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron Heidlebaugh <aMustang@home.com>
To: TI-Assembly List <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 5:20 PM
Subject: A85: Assemble This! - Help on TASM origin!
>When I was coding it suddenly hit me that when I would incorporate TASM,
>it would not be mine, but someone elses, of course. Is TASM Public
>Domain or is TASM copywrited to a company, person, etc.?
> I could not seem to find any information of the origin of TASM and
>who it belongs to, any help is great. Thanks.
>Aaron Heidlebaugh