A85: Wrath of Zalthar and other projects


A85: Wrath of Zalthar and other projects

Hey guys,
It's  me again (I haven't  posted in like 3 or 4 months).  What ever
happened to the Wrath of Zalthar project??  I never  saw a finished
product.  I remember there being a demo,  but no final game.  Just
wondering about that.  Another thing:   Why are there still games that
are for Usgard  0.95??  Why hasn't someone ported them over to Usgard
1.5?  If anyone still programs in Usgard 0.95, go get Usgard 1.5. 
Speaking of Usgard, when is the next update going to be?  I remember
Icarus Productions talking about an Usgard 1.6, but I haven't heard
anything since.  Just  some food for thought guys.  Thanks in advance!!

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