A85: Port 4
A85: Port 4
Can anyone on this list explain how to use port 4? I could only find the
information below. According to it, if I wrote:
ld a,%00001110
out (4),a
then the LCD width would 12 bytes, the same as an 82. This would be very
useful to porting 82 games, but for some reason it doesn't work.
Port 4 : Video Buffer Width, Interrupt Control Write Only
Bits 4 and 3 = Video Buffer Width
00: 10-byte wide buffer
01: 12-byte wide buffer
10: 16-byte wide buffer (normal)
11: 20-byte wide buffer
Bits 2 and 1 = Interrupt speed (11 = normal 00=fastest)
00: black screen and frozen calculator
01: dark screen, top half of screen is doubled in lower half,
and interrupts go faster
10: slightly darker than normal screen, top 1/4 of screen is
doubled in bottom 1/4, slightly faster interrupts
11: normal
Bit 0 = 1: freeze \_ don't know what this does
0: function /
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