A85: Re: About the ROM-call lists.
A85: Re: About the ROM-call lists.
> It looks like that ftp.ticalc.org doesn't have quite new ROM-call lists,
the version I have is obviously too old, and I just don't believe that all
those math routines aren't found in the newer ROM-versions (like v. 10.0
which I have in my TI85). I also remeber that once someone posted some list
which contained many new calls. But, I changed my computer into a newer one,
and lost all the older mailings... So, I'd appreciate if somebody could
kindly post a new ROM-call list. Please, don't post that ver. 1.0
TI-ROM.TXT, that I already have. I just hope that a newer one exists.
The reason that ticalc.org has version 1.0 is that 1.1 has not been released
yet. I am currently maintaining all the TI-???.TXT files, and I have new
versions of all of them laying around on my HD, but I need to fix them up a
bit before they can be released. Some time ago I released two files on this
list called ADD.10 and MATH.10 which contains additions to TI-ROM.TXT, but
since this info will be included in the new version of TI-ROM.TXT I asked
that they were not put on any web sites. Currently most of the functions
which has been found since the release of version 1.0 are undocumented,
except for what I have written down on my notes. Once I get the files done
they will of course be released and you will be able to find them on my web
site. Untill then use 1.0 and email me any questions you might have.
> I've been thinking of a better disassembler. DASM is just awful to use,
because ROM's addresses aren't even padded to word boundary. That makes many
synchronization errors, and I don't like fixing them by hand...
> Anyway, the disassembler I've been thinking should be able to mark some
addresses as data, setting some addresses as synchronization points,
aliasing some numerical constants as text (for example, video mem's address
might look like VIDMEM_ADDR instead of 0FC00h or whatever it was.), and also
labelling (routine addresses would be labels...). Of course all you
disassembling elites out there won't need that kind of stuff, but for people
(like I) who remember text better than numbers that kind of disassembeler
would really be cool... ;-) Oh, one thing more... it'd be interactive... a
real disassembling suite :-). For DOS...
Personally I use DASMZ80, and finds that i works quite well. The thing is
that if you are searching for new ROM calls a lot of the adresses used are
undocumented so a feature like that wont help you much. Chances are that
useful function which uses address which are already document has been found
> If you wonder why I am asking for a ROM-call list, it's for my little
plans for looking at ROM-code, and I just don't want to totally reinvent the
As I said above a lot of what has already been done has not yet been
documented, so if you want to search for stuff in the ROM i suggest that you
email me so you are sure that what you are looking for has not already been