A85: SuperNova
A85: SuperNova
Dear TI Community,
Despite what we may have written in the past, the SuperNova project is long
dead and our plans for SDK-4 after the release of USGard never materialized
due to lack of time and due to a system crash losing most of our updated
source code. It's been 2 years since any development has been done although
I personally continue to run SuperNova, I would again like to say that
development has permanently ceased. The final build was .97 but the source
and binaries have been completely lost. The source code for .96 may also
been permanently lost also. ;)
In the last 2 years, I have occasionally received emails asking for our
latest build and I have always promised that I would make a backup of our
latest version once I had some time. Of course, it seems that I've put it
off a bit too often.
I present to ticalc.org the SuperNova SDK 0.96 which contains a completely
new kernel. We wanted to be the most usable shell, rather than the OS with
the most buzz-words.
SuperNova "SDK-4" is essentially a ZShell 4.0 clone with a few differences.
We are marginally FASTER (try it out), marginally SMALLER in size (string
length of 1128), and marginally more STABLE (marginally). We also have the
support for the new ROM_CALLs first documented in SDK-3, although the
development tools have been long lost. I ask that SDK-3 still be maintained
on your site as this is simply a "second" model in the entire SuperNova
project. As always, the copyright on this work is still valid. Our former
website is now defunct, and no longer updated.
In case anyone is curious where we are at now, I am at Stanford University,
Jonathan Chang who developed most of SDK-3 will be attending Caltech in the
Fall, and David Chen is at UCLA. We regularly contribute to
There are no revolutionary features, no "advanced" tools. It's just ZShell,
smaller, faster, and more reliable, but I hope that you will enjoy this
assembly shell.
To the community, thank you for all the support you have given us.
Alan Dang