A85: Sprite help...
A85: Sprite help...
Im trying DEPSERATELY to learn to use sprites in my progs. Ive learned to
move sprites on the screen byte by byte, that is, I can move a sprite over 8
pixels at a time, and up and down any number or pixels i want, but I wanna
know how to
move them left and right a single pixel at a time.
Ive tried several routines, checked my code and quadruple checked it, but
cant get any routines to work right. Here is my code, using the newest
routine(i think) SDR by Jay L of Macross Software:
#include "usgard.h"
.org 0
.db "Test", 0
jr Draw
call GET_KEY
jr nz, Wait
ld hl, &Sprite
ld b, 9
ld c, 9
;***this is the routine here:***
;Sprite Drawing Routine (SDR): 8 Bit Normal Version
;by JL
; b=x coordinate
; c=y coordinate
; hl=pointer to sprite data
; af=destroyed
; bc=destroyed
; de=destroyed
; hl=pointer to byte after sprite
; no other registers are changed
;If you want to save those registers that are destroyed, push/pop them!
;Sprite data should be stored as follows:
;.db (# rows/bytes/height of sprite)
;.db (bitmap of sprite)
push ix
push bc
push de
ld a,63 ;\
sub c ; |63-y, so the drawing starts at the top
ld c,a ;/
push hl
push hl
call FIND_PIXEL ;hl has offset in viedo mem; a has bit^2
ld de,GRAPH_MEM ;store into graph mem for virtual screen
add hl,de
ex de,hl ;de physical address in vid mem
pop hl ;hl has sprite's beginning address again
ld b,8 ;ld b with width
ld c,8 ;ld c with height
push hl ;(hl) has the graphics of the sprite
pop ix ;(ix) has the graphics of the sprite
ex de,hl ;\(de) has gfx of sprite
;/hl has addr. in video mem
push bc
ld d,(ix) ;d has graphics for one row of sprite
inc ix ;point to next row of sprite
push af
push hl
rl d
ld e,a
jr nc,PS_NoPixel
or (hl)
; ld (hl),a ;Michael Optimization
jr PS_NextPixel
cpl ;complement of a, ~a
and (hl) ;\ a = what's in video mem AND ~bit^2
; |only bit^2 is affected (erased)
;/ all others AND'ed w/1, which has no affect
; ld (hl),a ;Michael Optimization
ld (hl),a ;ld a back into video mem (where it should be)
ld a,e ;restore bit^2 into a
rrca ;\circular rotation of a, so a affects next bit
jr nc,PS_SameByte ;C flag set when the 1 in a is shifted out of a
inc hl ;next byte in video memory
djnz PS_NewCol ;go to the next column if b not = 0
pop hl ;restore the video mem address
pop af ;restore the byte from FIND_PIXEL
ld de,16 ;\move down a row (which is 16 bytes)
add hl,de ;/
pop bc ;bc again contains the width and height
dec c ;one less row to draw
jr nz,PS_NewRow ;when c=0, don't draw anymore rows
pop hl ;\
pop de ; |pixel plotted so restore the registers
pop bc ; |
pop ix ;/
;***End Routine***
jr Wait ;return to main program
; ret
.db %00001000, %00001000
.db %00111100
.db %01100110
.db %11000011
.db %11000011
.db %11000011
.db %11000011
.db %01100110
.db %00111100
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.