A85: Fw: SEARCH_VAT --> I DO NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A85: Fw: SEARCH_VAT --> I DO NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Dines Justesen <dines@resnet.gatech.edu>
To: <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: SEARCH_VAT --> I DO NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>What goes wrong ?
>Do you need the & in front of VATName, it seem to me that it shouldn't be
>BTW Did any of you get me mail about FP math ? I send it 1 day ago, and
>not seen it on the list yet.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Franck Galliat <fgalliat@iut-etu-src.ujf-grenoble.fr>
>To: <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 2:28 AM
>Subject: A85: SEARCH_VAT --> I DO NEED HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>Hello Communoty;
>>I asm programmer(but on Smallc 41) & I need to use the SEARCH_VAT function
>>#include "usgard.h"
>>.org 0
>>.db "tst",0
>>        ld      hl,0
>> ld      (CURSOR_ROW),hl
>>        ld      hl,VAT_START
>>        ld      a,$0C
>>        call    SEARCH_VAT
>>        jr      c,typenotf
>>        push    hl
>>         ld     hl,&VATName
>>         call   D_ZT_STR
>>        pop     hl
>>        jr      Search_loop
>>        ld      hl,6
>> ld      (CURSOR_ROW),hl
>>        ld      hl,&nomsg
>>        call    D_ZT_STR
>>        call    OTH_PAUSE
>>.db "rien",0
>>It has worked BUT it doesn't any more...............
>>I don't understand & I'm going to be sick of that......
>>If someone could help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
