A85: Re: The code you needed


A85: Re: The code you needed

----- Original Message -----
From: Bryan Forbes <mxpxfifws@geocities.com>
To: Assembly-85 <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Friday, February 19, 1999 9:52 PM
Subject: A85: The code you needed

>Ok, here is about 5 lines before and after each problem I had:
>Problem #1:
>mchatu.asm line 0410: label value misalligned. (F1)
> ld a,(OutputBuffer) ; First byte of buffer - id char of
> ld (PRGMLast),a
> jr SendPacket
>; The function keys (except F4 and F5)

as i think someone said before, you most likely have two F1s.  If you took
out one, this error shoudl vanish.
> ld hl,0
> ld (CURSOR_X),hl
>R_51: ld hl,F1Text
> ld b,10
> ld c,0 ; X-coordinate 0
>R_52: call DispHelp
>Problem #2:
>mchatu.asm line 0722: Label not found: (ZS_Bits)
>mchatu.asm line 0722: Unused data in MS byte of argument. (2)
> ld (KeyFlags),a
>R_86: call DrawStatus
> ret
> ld hl,ZS_BITS
simply change ZS_BITS to USG_BITS

> set 1,(hl) ; Exit ZShell immediately
> ld de,2 ; General call, msg 2
> jr Exit2
> ld de,1 ; General call, msg 1
> ld a,(InfoEntries)
> dec a
> jr z,Exit3 ; We're last - don't notify others
> ld a,$fe ; SendInfo protocol id
>R_87: call SendInfo
>Problem #3:
>master.asm line 0360: unrecognized argument. (a,7)
>#ifdef NO_SYNCH
> out (7),a ; Data available before clock pulse
> push bc
> ld b,a ; Save A in B (push would save F also)
> and $f7 ; SCL=1
> out (7),a ; Clock pulse starts

here you need parenthesis around the 7
> in a,7
> or c
> and 5 ; Set Z on ack/error
> rra ; CY=sent/rcvd bit
> out (7),a ; Data available before clock pulse
> and $f7 ; SCL=1
> out (7),a ; Clock pulse starts
> or $08
> push bc
> ld b,a ; Save A in B (push would save F also)
>I hope you guys can find out what's wrong with this stuff. If not,
>well, I dunno what to do then. Anyway, email me or write the
>newsletter. Thanx in advance.
good luck to you, and dont worry, soon you will be able to interpret tasm
error messages like the bread you eat
