A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #486


A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #486

unz80 is a good disassembler if you're looking for one.  email me and i'll
send it to you.  it puts in the labels, and hexcodes on the side along with
the actual string on the right side.  it also can read in the description.  it
was designed for zshell but you can still use it for usgard but some things
will be different.  most people don't like you to take apart their games, i
know i wouldn't.  so don't go around dissassembling everything in sight.  and
don't go telling people about it.  you will not get things dissassembled
exactly how they were assembled either, so you have to watch out.  good luck.
