A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #484


A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #484

there's something called unz80 that is specifically for zshell.  it's great.
if you want a copy of it, email me and i'll send it.  i don't know where i got
it from, some ftp.  it puts in the labels and you can have it read in the
zshell header.  since most of the stuff is the same, it will be great for what
you're doing.  it puts in aliases like GRAPH_MEM and VIDEO_MEM and TEXT_MEM
and others.  all the rom calls are put in as their aliases too.  if you want
it i'll send it, it's not that big.  if there's something for usgard like a
special call, it will probably put in something like CALL_($8C93) because it
won't know what the alias is in the usgard.h file for $8C93.


PS...most people, if they didn't include the source to their program, probably
don't want you to have it.