A85: Re: Running assembly code and ti-85 bugs


A85: Re: Running assembly code and ti-85 bugs

You could always use the interrupt method where an interrupt monitors a
certain variable, and when that variable changes to a certain value, the
shell is executed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Lewis <RichardLewis@CedarCity.net>
To: assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 11:38 PM
Subject: A85: Running assembly code and ti-85 bugs

>I'm looking for interesting ways to run assembly code.  I'd like to find a
>good way to run asm without using a custom entry.
>So far I've only studied how the 82 runs ASM.  Does anybody know of
>anything else?
>I've also tried modifying the current menu pointers with a variable that
>points to the system RAM.
>I made a TI-OS menu run ASM, too.  I did that in the newest couple of
>versions of MISh.
>What I'm looking for really is a way to run ASM without the 85 waiting for
>a keypress.  Anything would be helpful.
>The reason I'm checking into this is because some people really value their
>custom menu real estate, and they refuse to use shells becuase they take up
>a custom entry.
>I'm also checking into bugs in the ROM if anybody knows of any strange
>ones.  I've tried using null characters.  I've seen the xstat bug.  Are
>there any others?
