A85: Re: Trig functions


A85: Re: Trig functions

Or you could just use the ROM functions. If speed is important a table is
probably a better solution.

----- Original Message -----
From: John Hortenstine <jmh@zdnetmail.com>
To: <assembly-85@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 1999 4:59 PM
Subject: A85: Trig functions

> If you want to calculate what sin(x) and cos(x) in radians here is what
they approx. equal:
> sin(x)=x-(x^3)/3!+(x^5)/5!-(x^7)/7!+...
> cos(x)=1-(x^2)/2!+(x^4)/4!-(x^6)/6!+...
> and to find the accuracy, take the next term and put the max of x into it.
Ex. sin(.3) using three terms so (.3^7)/7!=4.3*10^-8
> Now I will let you guys figure out the code if you want to use them.
> jmh
> ---
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