A85: Game idea: Donkey Kong
A85: Game idea: Donkey Kong
Yesterday in class, about 7 people had various TI-8x model calculators
out, myself included. Obviously we were all playing games. So anyhow,
he's like "Put the Tetris and Donkey Kong away!" and ever since then
I've been thinking: why not?
I started coding Donkey Kong in TI-BASIC but heh, TI-B isn't even fast
enough to follow a SINGLE sprite much less a monkey, Mario,3 barrels,
and the occasional fireball.
But maybe someone on this list could do it. It shouldn't be too hard:
there's only like 2 levels you have to code, no background to overlay
the sprites onto, and very simple movement patterns.
Well anyhow, thanks, and cya later!
--Matt Cooper
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