RE: A85: String85
RE: A85: String85
Source won't help me. I know a tiny bit of C, but it has been a while. I don't have a compiler, either.
If you want to modify it for me, though...
From: Michael Pearce[]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 1998 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: A85: String85
i have a string program that is written in C that i am going to use
for my level editor for solomon's key. email me if you want the
source code.
-mike pearce
On Tue, 29 Sep 1998 11:09:38 -0600, you wrote:
>Has anybody got a String85 type program that can make a string with any
>header, and put the third byte in, too? (The one that is the length of the
>description string in your program)
>I tried the Usgard String85.exe, but it's option to make the header
>anything you want doesn't add the third byte, which I need.
>I'm making a new version of Summit that has it's own kind of programs, but
>don't have any way of changing the header, unless I do it manually (UGH),
>which isn't really an option, because I want other people to be able to
>make programs for it easily.
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