A85: ROM disassembly


A85: ROM disassembly

Since several people seems to be interested in this I suggest that we do
the following.

The ROM version that will be disassmbled will be 3.0A (since most work has
been done on this version), but all useful functions should also be
located in other ROM versions.

A HTML version of TI-RAN.TXT and TI-ROM.TXT should be created, to allow
easy updating. If possible a CGI programming like the one found at the
TI86 site would be very useful.

A web page should be created which tells who is working on what part of
the ROM, places which looks interesting .... 

We should find out where we should discuss what ever is found (A85 or ?) 

Currently I do not have a computer which means that I can not do this
until I get my new one. If anyone else wants to start go ahead. As soons
as I get my computer I am willing to share wat I have found in the TI85



Dines Justesen
Email: c958362@student.dtu.dk
WWW  : http://www.student.dtu.dk/~c958362/