Re: A85: TI-85 Routine pointers
Re: A85: TI-85 Routine pointers
I can not remember the exact address. but it is not hard to find. The
pointers are all listed in TI-RAM.TXT (as pointers), and they are placed
just after the text mem (i think). There are app. 8 pointers followed by a
byte (which is the ROM page used when calling the pointers. If you look at
the beginning of the ROM you will see that there are some function which
loads HL with the value of one of these pointers, and then makes a JP
The only pointer which has been used is the first one which points to the
function which handles key presses.
Dines Justesen
On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Richard Owen Lewis wrote:
> On the TI-82 there are a bunch of pointers (In the RAM) that point to routines in the ROM, like the one that points to the Keyboard Handler.
> The TI-85 has them, too. One of the ti-82 guys tested out his idea for an 82 shell, on an 85.
> Does anybody know where any of these are? You could do some interesting things on an 85 with them.