RE: A85: A ROM function
RE: A85: A ROM function
This would not work. A lot of functions ends with a jr or jp, which the
program owuld not be able to handle. Some programs also pushes information
on the stack and then does a ret, which is actually then a JP.
Dines Justesen
On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Humberto Yeverino wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Sep 1998, Kaus wrote:
> > Will this get me what i want though? When you press a menu item, it
> > just inserts its text into the home screen data area, not to be
> > processed until enter is pressed with the rest of the arguments.
> >
> > Isnt this the way it is? I was thinking perhaps to put in an interrupt
> > so that i could single step through the evalutuation of the statement,
> > but this would be a long and tedious way to do it.
> > OR I oculd check the PC before i press enter, and look for the
> > keyhandler that checks for enter, than just go through it all quickly in
> > a disassembled rom dump. Any one of these methods would be hard and
> > tediuos. Dines: what did you guys do to find out what was found out :)
> > how did you guys find those math functions and such?
> >
> > Jonathan
> >
> couldn't you make a rom dum then write a program on the computer to search
> for functions. Something like find all ret instructions. Anything that
> follows is a function until the next ret.
> Then you could print them out or if you want to get fancy, have the
> program browse through the routines.
> Sounds like it would work, but then again I've never tried this stuff
> before.
> later,
> -Humberto Yeverino Jr.
> "I kick ass for the Lord."
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