Re: A85: routine help


Re: A85: routine help

the interrupt routine should probably not work like that.  i think
what you want is:

IntValue = TEXT_MEM

 .org 0
 .db "Prog name",0

 ld hl,&IntCounter
 ld a,200		; 1 second
 ld (IntValue),a
 ld a,(IntValue)
 or a			; is it 0? (waited 1 sec)
 jr nz,Loop

 < do some interesting stuff here >

 < conditional code >
 jr ??,NewSecondLoop	; wait another second?
 ret			; no, ret to shell

 ld hl,IntValue
 dec (hl)		; 1/200th sec passed

-mike pearce

On Wed, 21 Oct 1998 21:34:09 EDT, you wrote:

>I have installed an interrupt at this routine,and I want it to wait for 2
>seconds to pass...I first did it with 1 second and it went way to fast(what i
>am doing is displaying a sprite, wait 2 seconds, erase sprite, display sprite
>over a few pixels, waiting 2 seconds, erase sprite, and go back to the
>beginning...But I can't figure out what is going wrong here, it crashes my
>calc but the only thing that is displayed is the prog description that is
>usually displayed at the bottom of the usgard shell without the
>shell(coolshell) appearing...that's odd, huh
>please help...i am only a beginner trying to make a no insults!
>IntCounter:   ;wait for 2 seconds to pass
>	ld b,2
>	ld a,(IntValue)
>	inc a
>	ld (IntValue),a    ;waits for 1 second to pass
>	cp 200
>	jr nz, IntCounter
>	ld (IntValue),a;resets (IntValue) because when you cp 200, a = 0 = reset
>	djnz IntCounter
>	ret
