A85: Re: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #406
A85: Re: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #406
Where can I get Tierra?
"DoN't caLL Me CraZy. OvEr 75% oF my PeRSonAliTies arE SANe."
-my psychyatrist
> From: STL137@aol.com
> To: assembly-85@towerguard.unix.edu.sollentuna.se
> Subject: A85: Re: Assembly-85 Digest V1 #406
> Date: Thursday, October 15, 1998 5:22 PM
> <<I had a look at Tierra and it doesn't even come close to the complexity
> exhibited in Creatures. Creatures uses Nueral Networks and has a
> graphical interface. They learn, eat sleep, get sick, die and reproduce.
> It is so close to the real thing that the programmers insist you treat
> Norns with respect because they are alive.>>
> No, no, NO! You simply do not get it. "Creatures" is flashy programming
> isn't true artificial life. Tierra is true, die hard AL, as it builds its
> "organisms" from chunks of Tierran *assembler* code. Evolution is not
> programmed into Tierra. Parasitism is not programmed into Tierra. Yet
> develop on their own.