Re: A85: Impossible? I think not!


Re: A85: Impossible? I think not!

starngely enough, pxgray is an influential part of this mailing list.  if
you have that much of a problem listening to other people's comments,
please do so in an orderly fashion and with SOME intelligence, otherwise
you have NO right to call people "poser"s... perhaps it's an aol address
that influenced you, but there's plenty of NORMAL people who aren't
"posers" who use aol.  some people have no other choice.

now i suggest you apologize... this list is mediated and usage of
profanity is frowned upon.

oh, and my personal quip.... a person's email address has NOTHING to do
with their status.  I happen to be a very good student, quite popular,
but people don't look down on me because the email i choose is a variant
of "lordgoat"... people may question it, but they don't think i'm any
less of a person because of it.  uniqueness is a key factor in an email
address, so  "" isn't all that original.

ignorant people like you should be shot on sight.

now, that's my opinion... i may be wrong.


ICQ: 9437474     AOL IM: l0rdg0at42

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998 16:01:34 -0500 "Jason Tally" <>
>Bull Shit
>you can tell your a poser just by you e-mall address
>>I'd happily hook up an old 300mb hard drive of mine to the calc. ;)

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