A85: Cube


A85: Cube

I know I am really reinventing the wheel here, but I'm attempting to
write an asm program to rotate a cube in space.  I'm going to need to use
trig a lot so if anyone could explain the trig routines below that I got
off of ticalc.org I would really appreciate it.  Thanks in advance. 
Sorry for posting all of this.

; Date:     Wed, 15 May 1996 22:27:55 -0400 (EDT); From:     Jingyang Xu 
[br00416@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu]; Subject:  LZ: Trig Routines:
SIN/COS/TAN; Someone asked me about these and here are the bug-free
version of my; sin/cos/tan routines:; Note that sin and cos uses the same
table and tan uses its own table.; The arguments to sinx and cosx are:
a=multiplier bc=angle; and the return is now in bc: b=integer part
c=fractional part.; So bc is a 16 bit signed number, the key here is
signed - if the high bit; of b is set, that means bc is the twos
complement of the positive value; of bc.; For the tangent routine. de is
the multiplier (this is a 16 bit; multiplier) and hl is the angle. I
think it returns the result in hl, in; the same format as that for
bc.AdjustAngleinBC:	xor     a	cp      b	jr     
z,Alldone	ld      h,b	ld      l,c	ld     
bc,360	and     a	sbc     hl,bc	jr     
nc,AAHalfDone	add     hl,bcAAHalfDone:	ld     
b,h	ld      c,l	jr     
AlldoneAlldone:	retsinx:	push    af              ;save
argument	ld      d,1             ;d=1, use for later	ld    
 hl,180	and     a               ;clear carry	sbc    
hl,bc	jr      nc,LessE180    ;is angle greater than 180
degrees?Great180:            	ld      h,b             ;	ld 
    l,c             ;load bc into hl	ld      bc,180         
;	and     a               ; bc=bc-180	sbc     hl,bc        
  ;	ld      b,h             ; 	ld      c,l            
;load hl into bc	inc     d               ; d=2, remember
negatedLessE180:          ;0<=bc<=180 -> 0 is in b and
0<=c<=180	ld      a,d             ;save d	ld     
de,(PROGRAM_ADDR)	ld      hl,Trig_Look_Up ;hl=addr of
table	add     hl,de	ld      d,a             ;restore
d	ld      a,c             ;load angle into accumulator	cp  
   90              ;is it 90 degrees?	jr      nz,not90	ld  
   a,128           ;if 90 degrees, sin90=1	jr     
sinloadednot90:	sub     90	jr      nc,Greater90    ;is
angle less than or greater than 90Less90:	add     hl,bc          
;if less than, go directly to table	ld      a,(hl)	jr     
sinloadedGreater90:	ld      a,180           ;if greater,
sin(x)=sin(180-x)	sub     c               ;subtract from
180	ld      c,a	add     hl,bc           ;read from
table	ld      a,(hl)sinloaded:                      ;x/128 is in
a, d will determine sign	ld      b,a             ;save
result	pop     af              ;get multiplicand back	bit  
  7,a             ;test to see if a is negative	jr     
z,apositive	neg                     ;if negative,
negate	inc     d               ;store negative memory in
dapositive:                      ;now we want a*b/128	ld      e,a 
           ;save a	ld      a,b             ;	cp      0     
         ;see if e=0	jr      z,multiplyby0   ;	ld     
c,0	xor     asinmultiplyloop:	add     a,e	jr     
nc,nocarry      ;multipy a by b	inc     c               ;16bit
result in canocarry:	djnz    sinmultiplyloop         	rl   
  a               ;shift ca to the left	rl      c              
;ca/128 now in c	ld      b,c	ld      c,a	dec     d  
     jr      z,sinxend        and     a        ld      hl,0        sbc   
 hl,bc        ld      b,h        ld      c,l	dec     d        jr  
   z,sinxend        and     a        ld      hl,0        sbc     hl,bc   
    ld      b,h        ld      c,l	dec     d	jr     
z,sinxendmultiplyby0:	ld     
bc,0sinxend:	retcosx:	ld      hl,90	add    
hl,bc	ld      b,h	ld      c,l	ld     
d,a	CALL_(AdjustAngleinBC)	ld     
a,d	CALL_(sinx)	ret           Trig_Look_Up:	.db    
0,2,4,6,8,11,13,15,17,20	.db    
22,24,26,28,30,33,35,37,39,41	.db    
43,45,47,50,52,54,56,58,60,62	.db    
64,65,67,69,71,73,75,77,78,80	.db    
82,83,85,87,88,90,92,93,95,96	.db    
98,99,100,102,103,104,106,107,108,109	.db    
110,111,113,114,115,116,116,117,118,119	.db    
120,121,121,122,123,123,124,124,125,125	.db    
     ;multiplier in de, angle in hl        push    de        push    de  
                   ;save multiplier                ld      b,h           
         ;make another copy of angle in bc        ld      c,l            
        ;                ld      de,180                  ;subtract 180
from        and     a                       ;angle to see if it is       
sbc     hl,de                   ;greater than 180        jr     
c,tanLess180            ;if not, goto tanless180                ld     
b,h                     ;if greater than 180, load angle        ld     
c,l                     ;minus 180 into bctanLess180:                    
        ;bc has the semi-reference        inc     d                      
;load 1 into d        ld      hl,90                   ;subtract angle
from 90        and     a                       ;to see if it is less than
       sbc     hl,bc                   ;90        jr      nc,tanLess90   
        ;if so, jump to tanless90        ld      hl,180                 
;if greater, load 180 into hl        and     a                      
;subtract angle from it        sbc     hl,bc                   ;       
inc     d                       ;load 2 into d        ld      b,h        
            ;save final reference in bc        ld      c,l               
     ;tanLess90:                              ;already has reference
angle        sla     c                       ;multiply bc by 2        rl 
    b                       ;        ld      a,d                    
;preserves d        ld      de,(PROGRAM_ADDR)       ;reference the table 
      ld      hl,Tan_Table            ;        add     hl,de             
     ;        add     hl,bc                   ;        ld      d,(hl)    
             ;        inc     hl                      ;load result into
de        ld      e,(hl)                  ;        ld      h,a           
         ;whatever we had in d before        dec     h                   
   ;see if h=1 or 2        jr      z,tanNotNegative        ;if 1,
positive        set     7,d                     ;if result negative, then
tell it sotanNotNegative:                         ;guess what        pop 
   hl                      ;get multiplier        CALL_(MulDEbyHL)       
        ;multiply the result by the multiplier        push    af       
ld      h,c        ld      l,d        bit     7,e        jr     
z,TanRoundDown        inc     hlTanRoundDown:        pop     af        jr
     z,ResPositive        ex      de,hl        ld      hl,0        and   
 a        sbc     hl,de        pop     de        retResPositive:         
                pop     de        retMulDEbyHL:        ld     
ix,TempLine        bit     7,d        jr      z,DEPositive        res    
7,d        bit     7,h        jr      z,HLPositive        res     7,h    
   jr      DEPositiveHLPositive:        set     7,hDEPositive:        ld 
    (ix+0),h        ld      (ix+1),l        ld      b,8        xor     a 
      ld      c,a        ld      hl,0MulLoop1:                rrc    
(ix+1)        jr      nc,NoAdd1        add     hl,de        adc    
a,cNoAdd1:        sla     e        rl      d        rl      c        djnz
   MulLoop1        ld      b,7        ld      e,d        ld      d,c     
  ld      c,0        rl      c        ld      (ix+5),l        ld      l,h
       ld      h,a        xor     aMulLoop2:                rrc    
(ix+0)        jr      nc,NoAdd2        add     hl,de        adc    
a,cNoAdd2:        sla     e        rl      d        rl      c        djnz
   MulLoop2        ld      b,a        ld      c,h        ld      d,l     
  ld      e,(ix+5)        bit     0,(ix+0)        ret        Tan_Table:  
     .db     0,0,0,4,0,9,0,13,0,18,0,22,0,27,0,31,0,36,0,41        .db   
 0,45,0,50,0,54,0,59,0,64,0,69,0,73,0,78,0,83,0,88        .db    
0,93,0,98,0,103,0,109,0,114,0,119,0,125,0,130,0,136,0,142        .db    
0,148,0,154,0,160,0,166,0,173,0,179,0,186,0,193,0,200,0,207        .db   
 0,215,0,223,0,231,0,239,0,247,1,0,1,9,1,19,1,28,1,38        .db    
1,49,1,60,1,72,1,84,1,96,1,110,1,124,1,138,1,154,1,170        .db    
1,187,1,206,1,225,1,246,2,13,2,37,2,63,2,91,2,122,2,155        .db    
2,191,2,231,3,20,3,69,3,125,3,187,4,3,4,85,4,180,5,37        .db    
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