A85: Level String
A85: Level String
i am working on my level editor and was looking through the 85 file
formats and have a question. what are the last 2 fields? what does
the '*' mean? what do i need to make the file invisible to usgard?
where should i put the Solomon's Key unique level number (#5)... the
first byte of the string's data? i've been looking at jimmy mardell's
levels in HEX and it seems there is an additional length of the string
data (- 2 bytes). what is this for? it is then followed by 01 02 01
00 02 then the level name. i would assume some of this is specific to
SQRXZ levels, but what? anyways, any help is appreciated. i don't
know what is shell specific data.
Offset Length Comments
====== ====== ========
+00h 02h Word: Bytes from next byte to end of name
This can be used for "fast-skipping" of the
variable when seeking through the file. The
word pointed to by this value is the size of
the variable, and therefor the whole thing
can be skipped faster.
+02h 02h Word: Data length
+04h 01h Byte: Type code (see table below)
+05h 01h Byte: Name length
+06h *h Name (plain data, no terminating null or padding
*+00h 02h Word: Data length
*+02h xxx Data
-mike pearce