Re: A85: Shell usage


Re: A85: Shell usage

You're talking about the reason I wrote MISh.  It is the smallest shell to
exist right now that is ZShell compatible, and there is only one program
I've ever seen that doesn't run under it.  Its on ticalc if you want it. 
-> I apologize, I wasn't thinking perfectly. Of course, it's no trouble for 
-> people to get new shells if someone else has them. There are a few 
-> problems, however:  
-> * In general the multiple shells are not compatible with each other, so 
-> no one can have shell-specific programs for more than one shell at one 
-> time. 
-> * Furthermore, all the shells can only be transferred through a memory 
-> backup, so when you get a new shell from someone you lose even the 
-> shell-independent (i.e. ZShell) programs you had unless the other calc 
-> has room or you have a third calc to store them on or a link or 
-> something. 
-> * And there is the disadvantage I mentioned that the more advanced 
-> shells take up more space. 
-> Of course, I'm not disagreeing that it sure would be nice if there were 
-> a "standard" shell that everyone could write for and use. But given the 
-> current state of the want to say "market", but they're 
-> all free...hmm. Well, given its current state, it seems wisest to me for 
-> _programmers_ to aim for the lowest common denominator -- ZShell -- 
-> because then their programs will work on whatever OS people happen to be 
-> running. Unless, of course, you absolutely _need_ certain routines that 
-> only an advanced shell provides. 
-> Michael Pearce wrote: 
-> >  
-> > On Tue, 12 May 1998 19:38:33 -0700, you wrote: 
-> >  
-> > > 
-> > >The way I see it, programming for Usgard or some other "advanced" shell 
-> > >is kinda like designing a web page for a specific browser, such as NS4 
-> > >or IE4; you can do a lot more cool stuff, but it just annoys people who 
-> > >don't have the required client to use it. I'd personally never heard of 
-> > >Usgard until I got a computer link, and few of my friends have. There is 
-> > >the added difference that the 85 has limited memory, and as such a small 
-> > >and compact shell is more likely the way to go. 
-> > > 
-> >  
-> > the only flaw to that logic is that anyone who sees the cool 
-> > non-zshell game on someone else's calculator also has immediate access 
-> > to the shell.  (except for those who delete "patch rom" for usgard... 
-> > rigel has the ROM update code within the shell.) 
-> >  
-> > -mike pearce 
-> --  
-> | \/|R|TR|LB|/\ 
-> | Michael Shulman 
-> | 
-> | ICQ UIN 329350 
-> | 
-> | 
-> | "Does it [the pq-system]...count as a 'formalization of 
-> | number theory', or is it more like a refrigerator?" 
-> |     - Douglas R. Hofstadter, _Gödel,Escher,Bach_