Re: A85: Shell usage


Re: A85: Shell usage

I think you could be the one to let everyone else know.  Everyone at my
school (close, anyway) with a TI-85 has Usgard thanks to me.  I wouldn't
say ZShell is really the standard anymore, either. Still, I must give its
authors credit for their pioneering efforts into TI-85 ASM.

Justin Bosch

On Tue, 12 May 1998 22:01:32 -0400 (Erik L Gillespie)
> I program solely for ZShell.  I don't know a single student at my 
>school who even knows that Usgard exists besides me and a programming 
>buddy.  I figure my programs will have bigger audiences if I make them 
>for ZShell since ZShell is the standard, even though the programs 
>aren't as high
>quality/efficient/etc. as Usgard. Seeing that I am in my learning 
>phase, I could easily convert languages. 
>What does everyone think?

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