Re: A85: Shell usage
Re: A85: Shell usage
The way I see it, programming for Usgard or some other "advanced" shell
is kinda like designing a web page for a specific browser, such as NS4
or IE4; you can do a lot more cool stuff, but it just annoys people who
don't have the required client to use it. I'd personally never heard of
Usgard until I got a computer link, and few of my friends have. There is
the added difference that the 85 has limited memory, and as such a small
and compact shell is more likely the way to go.
Justin M Bosch wrote:
> I've noticed that a lot of the source being posted is ZShell compatible
> but not really designed for Usgard. I kind of feel that we should all be
> beyond ZShell, if not only because of it's lack of relocation, extra rom
> calls, etc. Does anyone still program specifically for ZShell?
> Justin Bosch
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