Re: A85: Accessing bits


Re: A85: Accessing bits

Thanks.  Could you explain what this is doing exactly?  I'd like to know
how this stuff works when I implement it into my game.

"In a prototypical world, nothing ever goes wrong." -Scott Meyers

On Tue, 12 May 1998 02:06:16 +0200 Jimmy =?iso-8859-1?Q?M=E5rdell?=
<> writes:

>>.db %10110110
> ld a,(SomeByte)
> ld hl,split
> ld b,4
> rlca
> rlca
> push af
> and 3
> ld (hl),a
> inc hl
> pop af
> djnz SplitByte
>would store the splitted byte in split - (split+3)
>each a value between 0 and 3. (split)=left, (split+1)=right etc
>Real name: Jimmy Mårdell                "can't go mucking with a 'void 
>IRC......: Yarin                                // Apple's MPW C 

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