Re: A85: line


Re: A85: line

Michael Pearce wrote:

> i just looked and it is in usgdprgm.txt.  search for "obj" and you
> will find it.  as for what it is, it is simply object code (the
> machine codes that you get after you assemble your program).  the may
> be an additional header, but i kinda doubt it.  it should work just
> like any other function, though i have never used one of them.

You just put #fncall OBJNAME in your code where you want to use them.  for the
FLINE function, it has a file name of FLINE.OBJ in the object directory, so use

#fncall FLINE

in your code.  There should be a file called funcpack.txt somewhere.  If you don't
have it anywhere in your directories (it might be in with the OBJ directory or in
the DOCS directory)  I could send you it.  This file describes the register setup
on call and return for each function.  I think for FLINE it is line from (D,E) to
(H,L)  but I'm not sure.  You better check it out.

Jonathan Kaus

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