A85: Differences between calcs/shells


A85: Differences between calcs/shells

In case anyone on this list did not already know, I have been working on
a C-style compiler with a friend that will allow one file to be converted
and compiled into any calculator or shell.  I have been working out the
differences between the calculators such as screen size and other things
that are not defined in a header file used to compile asm files for that
calculator (such as TI-85.H)  I do not own any calculator besides an 85
and my friend has an 86.  I was wondering if the people on this list
could get me started with some differences between calcs/shells.  The
differences could include the 92 because I think I might make the program
capable of converting to that calc also but I'm not sure it will be in
the first release.  Remember, it's differences that aren't declared in
any of a shell's header files.  Things such as the number of vertical and
horizontal pixels on the screen and how many text characters can fit
vertically and horizontally on the home screen, and if there are any
calculators that don't have a large and small font, how many of the small
font characters can fit on the screen horizontally and vertically.  All
of this and more that isn't already defined in any header file.  Location
of where things are in memory should probably not be a difference because
this is probably defined in all of the header files.


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