A85: ideas and stuff
A85: ideas and stuff
First, I would like to apologize for announcing this to more than 2
lists, but there's some things I'd like everyone to hear.
[[-- Shells --]]
I think it's great for everyone to create their own shells. It gives
them an advantage over everyone else using their shell, for the fact
that they know their own stuff. It also teaches them about assembly. I
believe people don't make a shell for competition, but because they
don't understand the current shells _entirely_. I emphasize entirely
because I don't want anyone saying "I know how to use a shell." If
someone needed a 3D engine built into the shell as a trap or something
and the shell won't support it, then it would be great that the person
change the shell for their own needs. It's pretty hard for me to make a
shell because I can only get on-line to check my mail. I'm trying to
learn Fargo for the 92 so I can make one that is very easy to use,
upgradeable, and has control over everything, and also has great
documentation. Fargo probably is all of this and more, but to me it's
nothing. I don't understand it at all, and until I make my own shell, I
won't ever understand it. Don't get me wrong, I still know how to
upload it to my calculator and play games from ticalc.org, but I don't
understand how it works _precisely_.
[[-- Ticalc.org rearrangement --]]
I don't want Ticalc.org to change anything on their page, except for a
few things. I think there should be another column with a .txt file (PC
formatted, NOT Unix because I hate reformatting that crap--use PC's edit
command). The text file should be a full blown documentation of the
Right now this is what it looks like:
| added/updated | author's note of file | directory stored
and the directory looks something like this:
| filename | size of file | author's note of
I think it should look something like this:
| added/updated | author's note | .txt documentation | directory
and the directory:
| filename | size | author's note | .txt documentation | screen
the screen shots don't need to be a link to a whole new page, but a link
to the screen shots page where there are several games on that page.
Each with 3 to 5 best pictures and the name of the file underneath the
pictures. The link should be targetted so the user doesn't have to
scroll through all of them. The pictures should be 2, 4, or 8 greyscale
to save space at ticalc, and also quick download for some slow
The .txt documentation is actually a link to the actual .txt file, so if
the person wants to download and look at it they can, and if they just
want to read it they just click on the link.
On the left side I think there should be a checkbox. If the user wants
to download a specific amount of files they just check the checkbox, and
at the end of the list should be a "Download checked files" link, so the
person doesn't have to download the archived file and unzip it deleting
everything unneeded, they can just download the files they want. Inside
the file they download should contain the same .txt documentation that
can be found on ticalc.org. If the main program to run is "main.92p"
then the .txt file should be "main.txt".
The shells itself should also contain documentation. Along with the
regular documentation should be features placed into the shell to make
it unique. If AShell can XOR the whole picture with a faster routine
then BShell, but BShell can do onboard assembly programming, then those
should be in the documentation as Features or something.
These are just some of the things I would like to see at Ticalc.org
[[-- Multiple programs of the same name --]]
Instead of rating these programs as a 4 or 5 star program (which I hate
since I've seen some good 1 star programs), the documenation and screen
shots should help the user in their decision. Don't do screen shots of
the Title screen because if that's the best shot of the whole game then
the game must really suck (that's what I think when I see a screen shot
of SimCity and then see a screen shot of those small squares). I'm not
putting anyone down, but try not to use the title screen as one of your
shots, that's exacty like putting a good-looking person next to an ugly
person, the ugly person becomes uglier and the good-looking person
becomes prettier.
[[-- Upcoming program --]]
I think there should be a normal, no feature, on-board assembler for
those who want to program in school. It should have the normal mnemonic
code, but no other features. Just something simple at first, and later
upgrade it--MEANING it should be left very upgradeable. This program
shouldn't take up much space, and if it does, that's what the e1/e2/e...
is for.
[[-- E1/E2/e... --]]
I couldn't remember if it was expander or extender so I put E. Where is
the E2 or whatever version your on right now anyway? In fact where is
the 92+??? I'm working on a command and conquer LIKE game that is going
to be very graphic as well as fast for the 92 (the one I've seen takes
up too much memory, which I plan to shorten). It's only going to have
the style of command and conquer, but the actual units and buildings
will be different (more futuristic).
that's it for now, more later, flame if you want, I'll probably not be
able to read them anyway.
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