A85: Q: TI-85 Questions
A85: Q: TI-85 Questions
I'm considering building my own A/D converter for the TI-85 (a
sort of home made CBL), and I need to know a few things. I will be using a
low cost Instrumentation Amp and serial A/D Converter (Texas
Instruments TLC549). This shouldn't cost much. (I'm somewhat frugal to
say the least).
1. What is the maximum Baud rate of the TI-85?
2. How does it store user programs, are they in some sort of non-volatile
memory or do I have to provide for my project to send the software to the
calc at startup?
3. Is this project a good idea or am I wasting my time?
4. Has anyone done this already?
Thanks a lot, I'm happy to be on this list with you.