Re: A85: TI Info Web Page
Re: A85: TI Info Web Page
Name: Peter Sahlstrom
Nickname: Pete
Webpage: _or_ (The page doesn't work right now-Hey, I've been busy.)
Grade/Age: 10th grade/16 years
Location: South Jordan (near Salt Lake City), Utah
TI Calcs Owned: TI-86 (Formerly TI-85, before it was stolen)
TI Calcs Programmed for: 85 (BASIC), 86 (BASIC, learning ASM)
Accomplishments: Various Matrix, list, vector compression routines, string arrays,
BASIC E-mail system for the '85 and '86, Various simple thinking games,
walk-through maze generator (BASIC), etc.
About Yourself: Started playing games on computer when 3, started using computer
for other things in 1st grade (age 6), programming in GW-BASIC in 2nd Grade (Ages
7&8), writing my own programs in 4th grade, learned MS-DOS BATCH and started
writing GOOD GW-BASIC programs in 6th grade as well as learning Q-BASIC (Same year
I got my first computer). Started DEFCON 5 (Q-BASIC Program) in 7th Grade. Got my
TI-85 in 8th Grade, learned TI-BASIC, wrote Star Trek-85 (Still havn't finished),
started drawing the graphics for ZEMM, and designed the graphics for my homepage.
In 9th grade I finally got my web page up, learned Javascript and HTML, and wrote
all of the BASIC code for ZEMM in one week during and after school (The program is
13k). In 10th grade was given control of the school homepage
( Am looked at as the school computer
athority/repairman/button pusher. Am on school swim team. My hobbies are
computers/calculators, swimming, biking, and sleep. I have a Intel-Pentium 100 and
a IBM PC-XT (8088) (which work), three 386-25's, and a 486 SX-25 (which
don't-yet). Am learning ASM and considering learning Java and C++. Currantly am
working on Star Trek-86, a Word Search program for the '86, and a Q-BASIC terminal
with ANSI and VT-100 emulation.