Re: A85: FF85


Re: A85: FF85

On Thu, 26 Feb 1998 wrote:

> I am interested in ANY new game coming out for the TI-85. I am pretty

 ZFight's very near completion.

> sure that everyone else is too, concidering that there has been a little
> bit of a dryspell. (kind of a silly question) By the way what ever
> happened to  Bomberman 85 and SimCity? Did the guys working on SimCity

 I updated SimCity last week (gave it a working clock/calendar). Once I
fix a couple of bugs in ZFight, I'll be adding a few more features to
SimCity: a simple budget, road construction, and more fussy growth
algorithms (ie residential zones won't fill in all the way if you place it
next to an industrial zone)

> just give up?

Hardly, just haven't had any time

> 					- Mike
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 from the Dark Side of the Moon...
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   Erik Huizing
