Re: A85: Re: Variable manipulation


Re: A85: Re: Variable manipulation

At 21:09 1998-02-24 -0800, you wrote:
>The variable manipulation code is NOWHERE in the ROM!!  All of this
>beautiful, bugless (except you can only create strings) code was
>hand-written by Andi himself.

The variable manipulation IS in the ROM. BUT you can't use them
to 100%. Some parts has to be written in the Usgard core.

In Usgard 1.6, the variable manipulation routines is _NOT_ in
the Usgard core, but in a library (like winlib). The reason is
that practically no programs uses them. Or, TSR programs uses
them indirectly (Append/Unappend uses RESIZE) BUT in Usgard 1.6
there are special routines for appending/unappending Usgard
(because that's MUCH easier).

The result of all this is that Usgard Standard is a couple
of 100 bytes smaller, and TSR programs still work fine. It's
just the winshell that has problems :(

Real name: Jimmy Mårdell                 
IRC......: Yarin                         
Email....:      <-- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!
