RE: A85: Question


RE: A85: Question

GET_KEY modifies HL, in case you didn't know.  It sets it to $8000, or 
rather 32768.  That is the problem.  I've run in to that before.  You 
should read through the inputs and outputs of any routine you use in your 
code when you have a problem.  It will help you figure stuff like this out 
on your own better.  You'll save yourself time that way.

From: 	Justin M Bosch[]
Sent: 	Saturday, December 19, 1998 3:42 AM
Subject: 	A85: Question

Something in the following section of code is corrupting the value of HL.
 When it starts it is a value depending on where the program is in
memory.  The second time HL is displayed, it is ALWAYS 32,768 (2^15).
The display and pause routines are only in the code temporarily so that I
can find whatever bug is causing HL to be messed up.  I cannot figure it
out and would really like some help.  Also, if anyone could tell me the
differnece between TR_CHARPUT and TX_CHARPUT I would be grateful.

; B = $CF
; DE = (x -1, y) for displaying arrow

        pop    hl                  ; HL = Game_Speed + 1
        call   &D_HL       ; Look at current value of HL
        call   &PAUSE         ; Pause to read it before moving ahead


        inc    d                   ; X is now correct value
        ld     ($800C), de         ; Save coords for displaying left
        ld     a, b                ; Load left arrow character into A
        call   TX_CHARPUT          ; Display left arrow
        inc    d                   ; Move over two characters
        inc    d
        ld     ($800C), de         ; Save coords for displaying right
        ld     a, c                ; Load right arrow character into A
        call   TX_CHARPUT          ; Display right arrow
        dec    d                   ; Restore original coordinates


        call   &D_HL       ; Look at current value of HL


        push   de       ; Save coordinates
        ld     de, $0000      ; Display at (0,0)
        ld     ($800C), de       ; Save new coordinates
        call   D_HL_DECI        ;Display HL
        pop    de          ; Restore HL


        call   GET_KEY
        or     a
        jr     z, PAUSE         ; Loop until a key is pressed

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