RE: A85: Inputstring and Getstring routines


RE: A85: Inputstring and Getstring routines

Forgive my late reply.

I have /no/ idea what you mean by 'getstring.'  As for 'inputstring,' there
is an Usgard function called INP_ST.  IT'S IN THE DOCUMENTATION (hint,

Well, read the docs, it is very useful.  There a billion other neato
functions, some of them ROM calls, some of them Usgard functions, and some
of them external functions (like the one below).  Here's the info.  The
DOCUMENTATION (hint again) includes all the information and some sample
code.  See how easy it is to use!  Good luck!

- INP_ST -------------------------------------------------------------------
input:          IX = where to put the text
		C  = maximum length
		A  = starting mode:
			bit 4 = ALPHA/alpha(set) or numeric(res)
			bit 5 = alpha(set) or ALPHA(res)
output:         IX = text
		Carry set if EXIT pressed

The input string function known from Usgard .95b. Example:

	ld	C, 8
	ld	A, %00110000b	;start with lowercase alpha!
	#fncall INP_ST

Stuntman (Nathan Haines) - ICQ UIN#: 2157863
QuickBASIC/Visual BASIC/TI-BASIC programmer (just your basic programmer)
President of Stuntworks -

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Scott Robinson
> Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 2:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: A85: Inputstring and Getstring routines
> where can i get inputstring and getstring routines for ti-85 usgard?
> please help thanks!

Follow-Ups: References: