Re: A85: VAT search


Re: A85: VAT search

> > RST 20 \ RST10 searches for a var you knwo the name of, if you need a list
>  >  of vars of a special type/with a specific header etc, they don't really
>  >  help.
>  I need to search for data with a specific header, I would not know the name
> of
>  it.  I know Usgard has a VAT_SEARCH command, but I don't know how to use
>  I can't interpret how the shells use it either.  I have seen source
>  but I am still confused.

Here's what it says in the Usgard function index:

SEARCH_VAT - scans the VAT after a certain variable type

HL = pointer to start location of scanning in VAT
A = variable type to find

HL = pointer to next VAT location
DE = pointer to variable data area
VATname = name of variable found
If CF, no variable of type A was found

Basically you load the header into A and designate the start of the search in
HL.  Then you use the "call SEARCH_VAT" command to do this and you get the
output from that operation.

Greg Sharp