Re: A85: Easy, Easy question.
Re: A85: Easy, Easy question.
In a message dated 98-08-23 16:46:54 EDT, you write:
> Hey, guys. In usgard.h it says a lot of stuff like
> ;Var & Mem functions
> VAR_NEW =$8CA4 ; generates a var.(HL = name, A = type, BC = size)
> VAR_DELETE =$8CA7 ; deletes a var(name = HL)
> VAR_EXEC =$8CAA ; execute a variable(name = HL)
> VAR_GET =$8CAD ; gets a var(name = HL; DE = VAT, HL = data)
> VAR_RESIZE =$8CB0 ; resizes a var, HL = name, BC = new size.
> Are all of these functions in the ROM?
> -Josh Morris
they are in the usgard string, if you dis-assemble these mem. locations, you
see they are jp's to other adresses, probably in the ROM
~Skip Jordan