RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
I recompiled the VROM string, and now Summit works on 3.0A, 8.0, 9.0, an 10.0
I'm unsure why it doesn't work on 4.0/6.0, but I've got some work to do on it.
The VROM string in the backup is corrupt, but has the right data for ROM 8.0, and 10.0
I'll put out BETA 3, with the updated patch soon.
From: Richard Owen Lewis[]
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 1998 12:13 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
I've done some testing, and discovered that Summit only works on ROM
versions 8.0, and 10.0
I believe I know where the problem is: the ROM patcher. I know the summit
code works, so the problem must be the ROM patcher, or the ROM patch. I'm
going to do some testing on it now, and check my VROM string to make sure
it isn't corrupt. I'm going to check PROM for errors, too.
From: Richard Owen Lewis[]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 4:20 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
The types for those strings are showing up right. I made the stings a
different type other than a string, so TI-BASIC wouldn't mess with them.
I'll do some testing on saturday. I've been busy the past few days. Till
then, hang on. You can tweak the source code if you want, and see if you
can find the problem. :)
I think I know what the problem is, though. The ROM patching code. I
thought I had tested it on all ROM versions, though...I'll check again.
From: Matt Butch[]
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 6:58 AM
Subject: RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
OK here is what I see:
PhatOS 1275 ?????-see note
Rigel 1699 ?????
Summit 430 STRNG
Text852 994 STRNG
UpShell 470 STRNG
Usgard 1851 ?????
ZShell 12 ?????
bgkib 291 STRNG
gray4lib 157 STRNG
hexedit 839 STRNG
mem30 1346 STRNG
patchrom 518 STRNG
popchar 361 STRNG
romfix 178 STRNG
sf2bg 1073 STRNG
tetris 1540 STRNG
usgdcool 653 STRNG
wutang 1078 STRNG
Note the ????? display this in that field:an octal O, a small(square)
zero, a delta, an exclamation poing, a hex H.
When I page up the screen displays random charactors.
I just tryed to swich to PhatOS. The choices moved over to the middle
of the screen and there is a buch of lines and dots at the bottom of the
screen. It is now frozen.
Matt Butch
Member of the The Doomsday Horizons Administrative Committee (DHAC)
>From: Richard Owen Lewis <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
>Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 16:56:54 -0600
>Strange. You can't switch to any other shell?
>Do something for me. Go under delete-all, and look for the Usgard,
>and PhatOS strings. Tell me their lengths. Could be a bad backup in
>It could also be the ROM patcher program, and the ROM version you're
> I'll look in to this using an emulator.
>From: Matt Butch[]
>Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 5:49 AM
>Subject: RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
>Yes I sent the backup, not the strings. Basically, I would choose
>summit in the ZShell, and the choose one of the shell/os's. Then the
>screen would go weird for a second, then it would turn off. I tried it
>a couple of times to no avail.
>>From: Richard Owen Lewis <>
>>To: "''" <>
>>Subject: RE: A85: EII driver, Summit
>>Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 23:23:12 -0600
>>Summit has only been tested under ROM 10.0, but theoretically it
>>work. If you could give me some specifics... Did you load the backup
>>came with it? Sending the strings themselves to the calc would not be
>>enough, except under certain circumstances. I probably shouldn't have
>>included them in the zip.
>>Sent: Monday, August 17, 1998 5:43 PM
>>Subject: Re: A85: EII driver, Summit
>>I don't know about your problems with the software, but you can reach
>>Richard Lewis ( would be able to help you
>>fixing the crashes.
>>Greg Sharp
>>> I'm finishing up porting the EII driver from usgard to ZShell for
>>> of you who don't use usgard. It should be ready by tommorrow. I
>>> post to the list and upload it to
>>> I've had problems with summit. Whenever I try to change shells it
>>> crashes. does the update fix this? I have ROM ver 9.0.
>>> I also can't access the summit homepage. Is there a direct address
>>> can have(not the crap)??
>>> Thanks.
>>> Matt Butch
>Get Your Private, Free Email at
Get Your Private, Free Email at
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