RE: A85: movies


RE: A85: movies

you seem to be confused.  Yes it is a Z80 CPU.  But, It is inside a 
custom chip that has logic that uses the Z80's pins and changes them to 
be used outside the chip.  Here look:

Z80 pins->Internal Logic->Custom Chip Pins

>From: Richard Owen Lewis <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: RE: A85: movies
>Date: Sat, 15 Aug 1998 22:03:21 -0600
>From: 	Kaus[]
>Sent: 	Saturday, August 15, 1998 9:47 PM
>Subject: 	Re: A85: movies
>its not a z80 cpu.  its a cpu with the same speed/instructions/etc.  
>iorq line does not come out of the cpu at all.  I have looked, I have 
>sevral knowledgable ppl and tried to look for it myself.  It does not 
>the cpu. it is only inside the ciruit for the built in io.
>You do not understand the definition of Z80 CPU.  If it runs the same 
>it is a Z80!  There is always a way to do things, perhaps the scematics 
>wrong.  It is possible.  You could just directly access the LCD.
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