Re: A85: movies
Re: A85: movies
but the cpu inthe calc isnt the exact pinouts of the z80. no iorq line.
ive checked.
--Jonathan Kaus
IRC: Jedsmeny
ICQ: 15873088
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Owen Lewis <>
To: '' <>
Date: Saturday, August 15, 1998 10:16 PM
Subject: RE: A85: movies
>From: Kaus[]
>Sent: Saturday, August 15, 1998 1:48 PM
>Subject: Re: A85: movies
>the z80 could, but as is, the ti couldnt, because the only access into the
>io of the calc is the link port. With the z80, we could use 8bit access at
>256 ports. That would be possible. Sorry, but no TI-85 TVs until we learn
>to directly access the IORQ line.
>The pins on the CPU have already been figured out. Go find the ti-85
scematics in the ticalc archives.