Re: A85: RE: DHOS (MATH.10 included)


Re: A85: RE: DHOS (MATH.10 included)

I found the file I was mentioning, and thought that I might as well send
it to the list, so here it is.

           TI85 Floating point math. Dines Justesen (c) 1997.

Additions and corrections to TI-ROM.TXT 1.0.

Below is a tabel of all the math functions in the TI85 ROM that I know of.
The tabel list the adresses of the functions for all ROM versions. The
row contains the offset most often used, but for rom version 9.0 and 10.0
changes, so for functions with addresses higher than F46 these does not

For some fuinctions an extra address is listed in the discribtion field.
address is for ROM version 3.0A. For some functions there are two
the normal one is listed, the other one is the one with the addr in the
discribtion field. The difference between the normal function and the
verison is listed below.

| Normal                 | Extra                      | Functions
| Only real results      | Also cplx results          | LN/LOG
| Numbers in radians     | Depends on current settings|
| Do not use extra digits| Use them                   | Other

| Rom version       |  3.0A |   4.0 |   5.0 |   6.0 |   8.0 |   9.0 |
10.0 |
| Offset            |     0 |     4 |     4 |     4 |     8 |     9 |
9 |
| OP1=SQRT(OP1)10EE |  10E2 |  10E6 |  10E6 |  10E6 |  10EA |  10EB |
10EC |
| OP1=OP1/OP2  101A |  1010 |  1014 |  1014 |  1014 |  1018 |  1019 |
101A |
| OP1=1/OP1         |  1016 |  101A |  101A |  101A |  101E |  101F |
1020 |
| OP1=OP1-OP2       |  0D68 |  0D6C |  0D6C |  0D6C |  0D70 |  0D71 |
0D71 |
| OP1=OP1-1         |  0D65 |  0D69 |  0D69 |  0D69 |  0D6D |  0D6E |
0D6E |
| OP1=OP1+1         |  0D60 |  0D65 |  0D65 |  0D65 |  0D69 |  0D6A |
0D6A |
| OP1=2*OP1         |  0D5D |  0D61 |  0D61 |  0D61 |  0D65 |  0D66 |
0D66 |
| OP1=IPART(OP1)    |  0D54 |  0D58 |  0D58 |  0D58 |  0D5C |  0D5D |
0D5D |
| OP1=OP2-OP1       |  0D4F |  0D53 |  0D53 |  0D53 |  0D57 |  0D58 |
0D58 |
| OP1=INT(OP1)      |  0D3E |  0D42 |  0D42 |  0D42 |  0D46 |  0D47 |
0D47 |
| OP1=|OP1|+|OP2|   |  0D36 |  0D3A |  0D3A |  0D3A |  0D3E |  0D3F |
0D3F |
| OP1=OP1+(HL)      |  0D31 |  0D35 |  0D35 |  0D35 |  0D39 |  0D3A |
0D3A |
| OP1=MAX(OP1,OP2)  |  0D22 |  0D26 |  0D26 |  0D26 |  0D2A |  0D2B |
0D2B |
| OP1=MIN(OP1,OP2)  |  0D13 |  0D17 |  0D17 |  0D17 |  0D1B |  0D1C |
0D1C |
| OP1=OP1+OP2  0D78 |  0D6F |  0D73 |  0D73 |  0D73 |  0D77 |  0D78 |
0D78 |
| OP1=OP1*OP2  0E59*|  0E52 |  0E56 |  0E56 |  0E56 |  0E5A |  0E5B |
0E5B |
| Rad->Deg OP1 E24**|  0E32 |  0E36 |  0E36 |  0E36 |  0E3A |  0E3B |
0E3B |
| Deg->Rad OP1 E28**|  0E3B |  0E3F |  0E3F |  0E3F |  0E43 |  0E44 |
0E44 |
| OP1=OP1^3       **|  0E44 |  0E49 |  0E49 |  0E49 |  0E4D |  0E4E |
0E4E |
| OP1=OP1*0.5     **|  0E49 |  0E4D |  0E4D |  0E4D |  0E51 |  0E52 |
0E52 |
| OP1=OP1^2       **|  0E51 |  0E55 |  0E55 |  0E55 |  0E59 |  0E5A |
0E5A |
| OP1=-OP1          |  0F92 |  0F96 |  0F96 |  0F96 |  0F9A |  0F9B |
0F9C |
| OP2=-OP2          |  0FA3 |  0FA7 |  0FA7 |  0FA7 |  0FAB |  0FAC |
0FAD |
| OP1=FPART(OP1)    |  0FBA |  0FBE |  0FBE |  0FBE |  0FC2 |  0FC2 |
0FC3 |
| OP1=LN(OP1)   12CE|  12BB |  12BF |  12BF |  12BF |  12C3 |  126E |
126F |
| OP1=LOG(OP1)  12D2|  12D6 |  12DA |  12DA |  12DA |  12DE |  1289 |
128A |
| OP1=e^OP1         |  14C2 |  14C6 |  14C6 |  14C6 |  14CA |  1475 |
1476 |
| OP1=10^(OP1)      |  14CC |  14D0 |  14D0 |  14D0 |  14D4 |  147F |
1480 |
| OP1=SIN(OP1)      |  16B6 |  16BA |  16BA |  16BA |  16BE |  1669 |
1683 |
| OP1=COS(OP1)      |  16BA |  16BE |  16BE |  16BE |  16C2 |  166D |
1687 |
| OP1=TAN(OP1)      |  16BE |  16C2 |  16C2 |  16C2 |  16C6 |  1671 |
168B |
|OP1=ARCCOS(OP1)1B62|  1B44 |  1B48 |  1B48 |  1B48 |  1B4C |  1AF7 |
1B11 |
|OP1=ARCSIN(OP1)1B6C|  1B4A |  1B4E |  1B4E |  1B4E |  1B52 |  1AFD |
1B17 |
|OP1=ARCTAN(OP1)1B74|  1B55 |  1B59 |  1B59 |  1B59 |  1B5D |  1B08 |
1B22 |
* OP3 destroyed
** OP2 and OP3 destroyed


-----Original Message-----
From: Kaus <>
To: <>
Date: 14. august 1998 17:57
Subject: Re: A85: RE: DHOS

>There are a lot of them.  The only list i have is for ROM ver 3.0A  The
>person who found them hasnt found the other ROM ver's locations.  But it
>will give you an idea of what they are.
>Go here: <a
>Jonathan Kaus
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Matt Butch <>
>To: <>
>Date: Friday, August 14, 1998 6:56 AM
>Subject: Re: A85: RE: DHOS
>>Where are they?  If you have them send them to me.
>>>Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 00:52:36 +0200 (METDST)
>>>From: Dines Christy Justesen <>
>>>To: assembly-85 <>
>>>Subject: A85: RE: DHOS
>>>The FP math routines in the ROM has been found (a long time ago), and
>>>addrs in all ROM versions has been posted to this list.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Matt Butch <>
>>>To: <>
>>>Date: 12. august 1998 20:28
>>>Subject: A85: DHOS
>>>>My Suggested Features for Doomsday Horizons OS:
>>>>  Floating Point math instructions-must find these in ROM
>>>>  Varable allocations fuctions(add/delete/modify/search) for the TI-OS
>>>>  Communication system calls-include calls for all supported link
>>>>devices(see below)
>>>>  Graphic calls-line drawing, graphic scrolling, compression
>>>>  Compression calls-ZCP, GCP, Huffman, TxCP(Text Compression
>>>>System Design:
>>>>  Support for ZShell, Usgard, maybe more
>>>>  Communication system that includes EII, I2C and its 85 extension
>>>>networking protocal, IR Link, maybe more
>>>>  Modular design for easy upgrading of certain sections of the OS
>>>>  Grayscale 4 or maybe even 8, we have the room
>>>>  Definately a control panel of sorts
>>>>DHOSNIDE-Doomsday Horizons OS Native Integrated Development
>>>>An on-calc Text Editor/Assembler/Dissassembler/Debugger for all
>>>>supported systems.  Also includes online intelligent help. Example:
>>>>User enters:
>>>>I don't know how to clear the LCD
>>>>Response from Intellegent Help Program:
>>>>type in the following where you want to clear the LCD:
>>>>Pretty cool, huh?
>>>>Now only to program all of this, ha ha.  But it can be done.
>>>>Now where is this block diagram??
>>>>How exactly are we all going to program this?  Here's my idea:
>>>>Everybody summit (here) what we know how to program, and what we would
>>>>like to program.  Then somebody(Kaus??) assign certain people (1, 2 or
>>>>more) to program a certain piece of code.  This would work well with
>>>>modular idea above.
>>>>I know some stuff about everything, alot about most.  I'd be willing
>>>>do link related code, kernal work, VAT work, ZShell support, GUI
>>>>and implemation but not drawing anything-I'm not good at that.  I'd do
>>>>any of this.
>>>>Matt Butch
>>>Dines Justesen
>>>WWW  :
>>Get Your Private, Free Email at


Dines Justesen
WWW  :