A85: "Doomsday" Shell. (Shell to end all other shells)


A85: "Doomsday" Shell. (Shell to end all other shells)

Is this shell that's being theorized about with the help of e2 a true concept
that could actually happen, or is it the product of bored summer minds?  I
don't mean to be offensive or anything, but I'm getting so hyped about that
idea that I can't help but question its genuinity.  So many things I'd like to
ask, but only half or so come to mind.  First of all, will it run ZShell
scripted programs?  (Geez, I should hope so).   Secondly, is there in all
truth going to be a way to use the e2 dynamically?  Finally, (this one is the
killer, and the product of my always thinking-but-ever-on-the-wrong-track
mind) would it be in any way possible to map out the e2 memory in a ti-85
fashion so that through the link(with VERY advanced send/receive routines) one
would be able to use it as an accessible hard drive?  Think about it (from my
uneducated point of view).  Couldn't you actually launch applications from the
e2 if the 85 saw it as part of an extension of the memory?  (The 85 would
send/receive variables, etc. as needed).  I can see this shell taking 40 or
50K of the e2 up, but who the hell would care if it were that good.  Some one
slap me and tell me that I'm stupid, because I feel like RainMan at a Mensa
convention. :)

-Josh Morris