Re: A85: JUMP_() bytes
Re: A85: JUMP_() bytes
I forgot to say that it is five bytes just in ZShell. Others compile that
straight in to a jp, which is three bytes.
-> >JUMP_() takes up five bytes. Look at the header for more info. Look
-> at
-> >the MISh source or tiny phat if you want to know how it works.
-> >
-> >-> On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Phantomlogic _ wrote:
-> >->
-> >-> >
-> >-> > Can someone tell me how many bytes a jp or JUMP_() instruction
-> takes up?
-> >-> >
-> >-> > Thanx.
-> >-> >
-> >-> jp takes up 3 bytes because it stores the instruction (1 byte) and a
-> 16
-> >-> bit address (2 bytes)
-> >-> jr takes 2 because it only uses an 8 bit relative address.
-> >-> JUMP_() I think takes up more because it's a Zshell macro for a
-> jump. It
-> >-> probably pushes hl and de, fixes the address in the jp instruction
-> and
-> >-> then pops them back. But to find out what it does you'll have to
-> look at
-> >-> the zshell include file.
-> >-> If you want to know the size of all the intructions there's a list
-> of them
-> >-> on
-> >->
-> >-> -Humberto Yeverino Jr.
-> >->
-> >-> "Small potatos make the steak look bigger."
-> >->
-> >->
-> >->
-> >->
-> >-> <font size=3>For browsers:<br>
-> >-> <a href="">
-> >-> Have a look.</a></font><br>
-> >->
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> Is it the same number of bytes for the Zshell JUMP_() command as in
-> others (I use TASM to assemble)?
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