A85: score
A85: score
I am having a problems trying to implement a score feature that
keeps track of scores 0-65536. So far all that I have suceeded in doing
is 0-255, and that's no fun. I think that I have isolated the problem.
Whenever I start the game and it displays the high score (stored in perm.
memory at (hiscore) ) it says that the high score is something like 48000
something. Everything else works like the score incrementing 0-65536.
Is there a way to reset what is at this memory to 0 without
the high score to 0 every time it is ran? Or am I just displaying it
with D_HL_DECI ? Please help me. BTW: It's zshell not usgard
- Mike
; some temp vars (not all of them)
score = $80EE ; score (# of times crossed to other
score2 = $80EF
lives = $80F0 ; # of lives left (start with 3)
guycnd = $80F1 ; condition of guy 0=dead 1=alive
mgvar = $80F2 ; delay for keypad read for MOVE_GUY
hiscr = $80F3 ; high score temp memory
hiscr2 = $80F4 ; I alotted 2 bytes
ld hl, hiscore ; destination
ld de, (PROGRAM_ADDR) ; current location
add hl, de ; get offset ; hl contains data
ld a, h ; before I had it do...
ld (hiscr), a ; ld (hiscr), hl
ld a, l ; I need to move perm mem to temp mem
ld (hiscr2), a ; I alotted (hiscr) and (hiscr2) for the
; 16 bit score value
ld hl, $1000 ; display high score for main menu
ld ($800C), hl ; (in the top right)
ld hl, (hiscr) ; It keeps displaying crap values and not
ret ; return
.dw 0 ;score is up to 64K
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