Re: A85: Random Numbers
Re: A85: Random Numbers
i don't know how your routine works completely, but i once found a great
routine to use for randomizing cards in a way that you have great handle
and speed and still maintain the randomness. instead of doing this:
1. random
2. check cardlist and grab the random one
3. check if it's in the decklist
4. if so go back to 1, if not then put it in the decklist
5. use the decklist
this routine will slow down the more cards you get rid of. that means
at 1 card left it stalls for about 20 seconds (or so).
here's a better routine:
store the cards in a row in a list type format as follows:
$01=ace clubs
$02=ace spades
$03=ace diamonds
and place them as:
cards: ds.b 1,2,3,4,5..etc. (excuse my code, i'm not familiar with the
assembly, i'm just putting something that looks similar to what i mean)
now...have a pointer (let's call it "pt" just for the heck of it) that
points to the first character in "cards:" and a length (let's call it
"ln" for the same reason) that starts out as 52 (or however many cards
you have). we also need a swap variable, "sw", (unless there's a swap
command, but i don't know so i'm just using this method), and another
variable to store the random number into, "rn".
(i'm using english to write the program, so you'll have to translate it
do until ln=1
random between 1 and ln -> rn
ln-1 -> ln
[pt+rn] -> sw ( the [] i'm using as indirect )
[pt] -> [pt+rn]
sw -> [pt]
pt+1 -> pt
the randomized cards are now in place of "cards:"
in basic you could do the following (ti-85):
"ASACADAH1S1C..."->a1 (A=ace, S=spades, etc.)
lbl over
lngth a1->a2
if lngth a1>2:goto over
--a4 is the randomized string, if this doesn't work the problem may be
in the "sub(a1,1,a3-1)+sub(a1,a3+2,a2-a3-1)->a1" line, i don't have a
working 85 so i'm not sure if you have to check for end of string or
not, if so then just replace that line with the following:
if a3+2>a2 then
(ti-92 program conversions):
this function returns the exact string you give it except that the first
character is the randomized card (pulled from the middle of the deck)
and the cards are shifted right to fill in the spot:
shuffle1(a) << a=string that is char(1)=ace spades, etc.
local b
return mid(a,b,1)&mid(a,1,b-1)&mid(a,b+1)
the following program will shuffle the whole deck (deck is given to the
program, this allows a range of cards instead of a constant like 52):
local b,c,d
for b,1,dim(a)-1
return d&a
ICQ:9188921 "No Sol to kill"
p.s. just trying to help with can also make it do any
string, doesn't matter what's in it (cards, codes, etc.), as you can see
it will just "pull" out a random character.
this does use the refresh register. when i "shuffled" the cards in
solytare, i did it multiple times though. i am not sure at how well
it creates random numbers.
On Wed, 22 Apr 1998 16:26:41 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey Mike Pearce,
> What was that random number routine that you got from Mardell's
>ZTetris? I could sure use it. I have found out that the random
>numberizer that uses the memory refresh often doesn't give you random
>numbers. This might be due to a program looping the same commands
>the same memory locations. Thus the containents of register r aren't
>random. I don't know, that is my best guess. Anyway, if you could
>that routine I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
> - Mike
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