Re: A85: Getting Screendump over linkport
Re: A85: Getting Screendump over linkport
On Tue, 31 Mar 1998, ]{3fk4[dLs] wrote:
> How would I get a screendump from another 85's screen, and then put it onto
> the graphscreen? What do I have to do in ASM to accomplish this?
If you want a screen dump from an asm game you can use the screen capture
program for usgard. If you are writing a game and want this feature then
you can make a key copy all of the memory @ FC00 (video mem) to the graph
memory then exit the prog. But if you use the graph mem to draw your
graphics first then you can have a key just exit the program without
clearing the graph mem. And once it`s in the graph mem just make a pic
-Humberto Yeverino Jr.
"Small potatos make the steak look bigger."
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