A85: TI85 Basic commands in asm programs
A85: TI85 Basic commands in asm programs
Several people have asked me about using the basic functions in an asm
program, and it has been mention on this list a few times too. Today day i
did yet another attempt to locate these functions, and i think i might have
found them !
In the rom i found a table/function which if the value in a is the token for
rand starts the random function. The function contains a long list of
function which is called depeing on the value in a, hopefully these
functions match the tokens. If is shows out that i am right about this it
should be possible to call almost all the function which have a token in
basic from an asm program. And since it is all placed in one function it
should not be hard to make a shell which supported all of them.
I just thought some of you might be interested in this, and i will of cause
mail more info on this to the list when i get it.