A85: The hands down way to do Matrixes


A85: The hands down way to do Matrixes

Here it is, first, you have to decide which of two ways you want to do your

1) The changes you do to them will not matter after you exit the program
2) The changes are saved

--------- #1 ----------

okay, have your matrix down here, at the end of your program.

.db 43,2,4,1,3,5,...
.db (so on)

and define three constants:

XSIZE		=	25		; or whatever
YSIZE		=	25		; or whatever
TOTSIZE	= 	XSIZE * YSIZE ; total # of bytes in matrix

Now, before you do anything you have got to do this:

-- usgard --
	ld	hl, &matrix  
	ld	de, TEXT_MEM2
	ld	bc, TOTSIZE
-- zshell --
	ld	hl, matrix
	ld	de, (PROGRAM_ADDR)
	add	hl, de
	ld	de, TEXT_MEM2
	ld	bc, TOTSIZE

Alrighty, now your matrix will be in TEXT_MEM2.  Now, you may ask, how do
we get a piece?  To load the value of a piece, do this:

	ld	h, YSIZE
	ld	l, (ypos)	; where (ypos) is where you stored the y position
				; of which piece to get
	call	MUL_HL		; this will work for usgard, otherwise you have
				; to get a compatable multiplication routine that
				; multiples H by L and stores into HL, look on
				; ticalc.org.
	ld	a, (xpos)
	ld	d, 0
	ld	e, a
	add	hl, de

	ld	de, TEXT_MEM2

	add	hl, de

	ld	a, (hl)

A now has the piece value of that.  To STORE, do this:

	push	af
	ld	h, YSIZE
	ld	l, (ypos)	; where (ypos) is where you stored the y position
				; of which piece to get
	call	MUL_HL		; this will work for usgard, otherwise you have
				; to get a compatable multiplication routine that
				; multiples H by L and stores into HL, look on
				; ticalc.org.
	ld	a, (xpos)
	ld	d, 0
	ld	e, a
	add	hl, de

	ld	de, TEXT_MEM2

	add	hl, de

	pop	af

	ld	(hl), a

There you go.  If you use this method and not number 2, you should look
into using Huffman compression on your data to make it smaller.

---- #2 ----

Do exactly the same as above, except at the end of your program, do this:

-- usgard --
	ld	de, &matrix  
	ld	hl, TEXT_MEM2
	ld	bc, TOTSIZE
-- zshell --
	ld	hl, matrix
	ld	de, (PROGRAM_ADDR)
	add	hl, de
	ld	de, TEXT_MEM2
	ex	hl, de
	ld	bc, TOTSIZE

That's it.  Be sure you make ZShell / USGARD recalculate the checksum if
you use the 2nd method.  Also, there may be a couple ways to optimize this
better if you use usgard.

Evil Jim
Viva La Mexico
I want to die in my sleep like my Grandfather, not screaming in pain like
the passengers in my car...