Re: A85: RPGs


Re: A85: RPGs

Heheh.. Uhmmmm.. errrr. Sorry... Here's the URL...  <GRIN>

>Sounds interesting... Wanna give us a URL?
>Bishop wrote:
>> This site has the TI-BASIC program called RPN3 it does most RPN stuff,
>> but
>> you have to enter commas between the stack pushes. This site has ALOT
>> of
>> programs for the 85, and they have txt files for both the ASM and
>> programs where they have compiled all the help files that come with
>> the
>> program originally. Under the TI-BASIC page, the txt files b_h-m.txt
>> and
>> b_n-r.txt won't display, Under Internet Explorer, you can right click
>> a
>> link and "Save target as" option to save the file. Then go in with a
>> text
>> based editor and get rid of all the control characters (or resave it a
>> regular txt file). I guess it was saved using Word 2.0 or something.
>> But
>> anyways, each of the combined txt files make it easy to see which
>> files you
>> want to D/L and which ones aren't worth your while. Have fun..
Dedicated to providing you with more information
than you needed to know.