RE: A85: Usgard version 1.0
RE: A85: Usgard version 1.0
A few days after Usgard 1.1 I'll release the Luxury shell including WINLIB.
From: Nathan Haines[]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 1997 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: A85: Usgard version 1.0
On Tue, 2 Sep 1997, John Koch wrote:
> Personally this is the only version that the kids at my school even
> like. None of us liked the huge libraries and GUI's! We liked the plain
> small shells! And We haven't found any bugs as of yet, just wish some of
> the old programs worked for 1.0
Well, personally, I did like the Luxury shell a lot, because several
programs used winlib anyway, and it wasn't all that much bigger. However,
Now that I'm using the Standard shell, it's fine for me, and for friends,
too, because they're used to ZShell. However, that's entirely what I
liked about Usgard, is that if you don't like the GUI, and I do, you can
take it off and I can keep it. ;)
Also, I knew that Usgard 0.9 and 0.95 were betas, so that the final
version might not be compatible (although it *is* inconvenient). I'm very
happy with it, and I think that 1300 bytes is wonderful (although I use
the standard, not lite version). Also, USUL, the development language is
the best I've used (but maybe because the author puts in whatever
functions I've asked for <g>). Usgard will definately improve, but it's
already better than ZShell, if only for the size.
Stuntman (Nathan Haines) -
President of Stuntworks, QuickBASIC/Visual BASIC programmer
Stuntworks -
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